Manager Spotlight: Dylan Jenkins

29 February 2024

The manager spotlight offers a small insight into the heads of incredible managers.⁠ This week in the spotlight is Dylan Jenkins!

How long have you worked in Management?

1-2 years.

Who do you manage now?

HMS Morris, Monet and Ffenest.

Where did you find your first client and what inspired you to take them on?

HMS Morris were my first client. I’d been a fan for years and knew the band. I saw on their socials that they were looking for a manager and having been considering becoming a manager I jumped at the opportunity.

What does a good/bad day at work look like for you?

A good day at work is when people respond to my emails and show interest in my clients, affirming my belief that the acts I work with are great. A bad day is when the inbox is dry, the offers are little and everybody else has terrible taste and the world is against us (LOL).

What has been the highlight of your management career to date?

HMS Morris being invited to SXSW; Monet being selected as one of Forte’s Projects 2024 artists; Ffenest receiving BBC Horizons Launchpad Funding.

What do you think are the big challenges for a manager in 2024?

For managers in Wales, I think that low fees and limited opportunities outside of Wales is a big challenge. Being noticed in a hugely saturated industry is difficult anyway, especially if you’re working with non-English speaking artists. Turning a part-time manager position into a full time job seems quite impossible.

Why would you recommend the MMF?

It’s great to be part of a community of managers who are going through a similar experience to myself. The Wales specific group is extra special, as we have unique struggles compared to the rest of the UK. It’s nice to not feel like you’re all on your lonesome.

What music are you currently listening to?

Mellt, Fcukers, Pys Melyn, Jockstrap, Dafydd Owain, Simian Mobile Disco, Erik Tagg.

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